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Week 5 Assignment Essay :Gender and Sexuality

Week 5 Assignment

Q Summary: Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: • Link (library article): Why the Personal Remained Political: Comparing Second and Third Wave Perspectives on Everyday Feminism • Link (library article): What Is Third?Wave Feminism? A New Directions Essay • Link (website): Four Waves of Feminism • Minimum of 2 appropriate resources Introduction Feminism is not just one idea. For well over 250 years, authors and activists have worked to improve cultural attitudes, working conditions, human rights, and opportunities for women in a broad variety of ways. This assignment introduces you to some of the discussions about the “waves” of feminism. Activity Instructions After reading the resources for this assignment, and finding other relevant resources, analyze, compare, and contrast the waves of feminism. Include critiques of each wave. Writing Requirements (MLA format) • Minimum of 4 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including works cited/bibliography page • 1-inch margins • Double spaced • 12-point Times New Roman font • Works cited/bibliography page

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think the fact that gender and its determination as something very important and necessary has aroused several debates and movements since history. Feminism is defined as the belief in women's full social, economic, and political equality. Feminism emerged mostly in response to Western traditions that limited women's rights, but feminist thinking has many forms and variations around